Wednesday 23 March 2011


  1. Gee, You guys must be using a very strange sun screen. Or has the wind just blown in from Japan?

  2. The day is blue here,a gentle sou'easter. We can expect a top of 21. Perfect weather for the inaugural triathalon in the Bay.
    I wonder what the weather is on your arrival in Rome. Weatherzone tells me you can expect a high of 19. At present it is 0330 in Rome and 9. I hope you will be warm enough. Imagine you will be tired and worn out after such a big journey.
    What is the verdict on Cathay? how was the food....out of 10?
    I had an industrious day after early ride with the club. i think my legs are still fatigued following the 400! Hard to get motivated to ride without any goals, but I enjoyed catching up with friends. Steve B thinks I should have a dig at some local racing!!!!!
    I think if this B & B idea has any merit I will be spending more time here.
    I am heading over to the Freeman's for lunch. I will enjoy that.
    Mum and dad will be here sometime this evening.
    I can hear more sky divers jumping out of planes as I send you my love.
    I hope Rome gives you a warm welcome.
    Love you
